Drive to Fight Against Cancer: Gumball 2017
V6, V8, V12, steel and rubber on asphalt, gleaming cars screaming…

A-Circles: Steak 101
JCI Alabang had another successful event last June 23 called…

Grand Opportunity to Impact
We want you!
Join us this Nov 26 (Sat, 6pm) and get to…

Titan Awards 2016
JCI Alabang bags 2 Titan Awards and 2 merit awards in the recently concluded 36th Metro Area Convention held in Malolos Convention Center, Malolos, Bulacan last September 3, 2016.
The team led by president and RVP- elect RJ Paguyo received the Highest award called the "Titan Award" for best inter organization collaboration for their Project "Gumball Rally - A Drive Againts Cancer". The project was done together with their area 3 sister chapter, JCI Lipa, wherein they donated 20,000 to the cancer warriors foundation, a group that takes care of children with cancer. The second Titan they recieved was for Best Public Relations Program entitled "Project Spotlight". Spear headed by their public relations commissioner Jen Fidel, the chapter was able to get a media mileage valued at 8 million pesos through Jen's relentless efforts to advertise the chapter in various publications, websites and other media platforms.
The group also won a merit award (second place) for Best Local Organization Website. The award solidified further the media mileage of JCI Alabang because one of the chapters main goals this year was to be visible in the world wide web. Their three year old website received a total revamp this year and the team was happy that it didnt go unnoticed.
The second merit award was for Best Fundraising Program entitled Yaman Para sa Mamamayan. This year-round fund raising program not only gave JCI Alabang its "fuel" to make various projects possible, it also tapped the activiation of the members to be more involved since the program consisted of several mini projects.
JCI Alabang also ranked 4th place in JCIPEA points in the Area and ranked 8th in the National Category.
These awards and recognition would not have been possible without the hard work of its members, the Board of Directors, the sponsors and of course, our beneficiaries.

Upcoming: Transforming the Alabang Transportation Culture, Omoiyari and Opportunity to Impact
We invite all members and potential members of JCI Alabang to…

Upcoming: Gumball Rally on April 24
Bring your best cars as we go for a ride to fight cancer!…

Avante: Training on Real Estate Investing, Impact of Elections in the Market, Effective Fundraising and More on April 23
JCI Alabang and JCI Metro Area invites the Metro Area, JCI Members…