RFID Registration

RFID Registration Frequently Asked Questions


JCI Alabang and Skyway SLEX RFID will hold an offsite RFID registration on July 18, 2015 (Saturday) in District 2 Covered Court, Basilan St, Ayala Alabang. This project is in coordination with Barangay Ayala Alabang. On this day, the Skyway SLEX RFID group will distribute the RFID stickers from 9am-5pm.

The RFID stickers will be free of charge but an initial load of P500 must be loaded per car.  This set of Frequently Asked Questions was prepared to answer the commonly asked questions.




What do I need to bring?

Be sure to bring the following items to ensure speedy registration:
1. Subscription Form*
2. Terms and Conditions Form*
3. Valid government issued ID – photocopy only
4. OR/CR – photocopy only
5. At least P500 cash per car (for the initial load)
6. Your cars
7. Authorization letter (if the OR/CR is not under your name)

Optional forms (if applicable):

– Auto Debit Arrangement (ADA) Authority to Charge

– Authority to Use Credit Card

E-pass transfer form (if you will surrender your e-pass)

Do I need to bring the original copy of the documents?

Photocopies will suffice.  The original copies can serve as backup if the photocopies aren’t clear.

Where can I get copies of the forms?

The forms are available for download in www.skywayslexrfid.com.  

IMPORTANT: Incomplete forms and requirements will not be processed.

How detailed should the authorization letter be?

The authorization letter should contain the details of the car (plate number, make, color) along with the photocopy of the valid ID of the owner.

How much do I need to pay for the RFID sticker?

The RFID stickers are free for the first 100,000 subscribers.  You just need to pay for the initial load of P500 per vehicle.  There is also an annual subscription fee of P50 per sticker.  The normal cost is P300 (P200 for the sticker, P100 for the RFID card).  On Jul 18, all the stickers and RFID are free.

My car is relatively new and doesn’t have the LTO license plate yet. Can I register it for RFID?

Yes, an RFID sticker can be issued for cars without any plates. Kindly bring the photocopy of the invoice and indicate the conduction number. 


I have an e-pass.  Can I still get an RFID sticker?

You can only use one: RFID or E-pass.  Once the RFID sticker is installed, you shouldn’t use your epass anymore.  Keeping an e-pass in your vehicle when the RFID sticker is installed will violate the Terms and Conditions.  You can also be charged twice so please avoid this.

What will I do with my e-pass once the RFID is installed?

It is recommended that you surrender your E-pass unit at the event.  The RFID team will accept the E-pass and facilitate the balance to transferred to your new RFID account within 30 days. If the e-pass is bought within 3 years, there is a small rebate amount that can be credited to your RFID account within 7 days.

Is it true that the E-pass will be phased out?

The RFID system is implemented to replace the E-pass system.  There is no definite timeline when the e-pass system will be phased out.

Where can I get the E-pass tag number/account number and subscription date?

You can call the E-pass hotline at 8888-8787 to get all those details.  Be sure to have at least the tag number to provide them.


Auto Debit Feature – Credit Card

Does the RFID system accommodate the key-in feature offered in e-pass?

No, the RFID system does not offer the key-in feature available in the e-pass system.  The system will reload your account once the balance reaches below the threshold set.

Multiple cars

I have multiple cars.  Do I need to fill out individual forms for them?

You have two options: (1) One account with all the cars there, or (2) Individual accounts for the cars.

For option (1) One account – multiple cars, you need to fill out just one form with all the car details.  This will result in one account, multiple cars. One form means one account.  This means that you pay only one annual fee per account– P50.  For option (2), see the answer below.

I want to have individual separate accounts for my multiple cars. How can I do that?

Option (2) Individual accounts for the cars.  You can fill out separate Subscription Forms and Terms and Conditions Forms for each vehicle.  This will result with individual accounts for the cars. This also means paying P50 annual fee per RFID account.

Do I need to bring all the cars in the registration venue?

Yes. Only the Skyway SLEX RFID staff can install the RFID stickers to your cars.

Do I need to bring all the cars at the same time in the registration venue?

No, you can bring the cars one at a time as long as you have all the requirements in the first car registered and have chosen to register all cars in one account.

For the 2nd car onwards, you just need to fill out the “ADD RFID tag FORM.”


The subscription form only has space for 6 cars.  If I will register more than 6 cars in one account, should I fill out a different form?

No need.  Just fill out one subscription form and attach a separate sheet with the car details.


I will register multiple cars in one RFID account.  Can I use more than one credit card?

No, only one credit card can be used for one RFID account.  If you want to use different credit cards for different cars, you can fill out different subscription forms and terms and conditions per car.


De-activation of RFID

I had the RFID sticker installed.  If I sell the car, how can I deactivate it?

If this happens, you should take out the RFID sticker before you sell your car.  Be sure to call the RFID hotline (02) 632-3886 to de-activate the sticker to avoid unauthorized use.  They can also help you transfer the load to a new account.



I don’t live in the Ayala Alabang Village.  Can I get an RFID sticker for my car?

Priority will be given to the Ayala Alabang Village residents for this event.  However, you can still go and register your car on the event itself as long as you can gain access to the Ayala Alabang Village.

I don’t live in Ayala Alabang but want to organize a similar event for my village.  Who do I talk to?

For now, there are limited offsite activities for RFID registration.  Feel free to go to the JCI Alabang offsite registration to see how it goes.  You can also contact JCI Alabang Treasurer Janette Lim.

I missed the RFID Registration in Ayala Alabang.  Where can I register?

You can go to the Bicutan office of SLEX to register your cars.  There are also selected Petron Stations who have RFID installation.  Call the RFID hotline for the latest list (02) 8632-3886.

To speed up the process, kindly bring all the filled out forms and the requirements.

RFID Installation and Reloading

RFID Installation and Reloading

Where can I reload my RFID account?

The nearest reloading station to Ayala Alabang is the Petron Station in Filinvest, just outside the Ayala Alabang Village.  Be sure to present the Auto Sweep RFID Card when reloading.

RFID Reloading

RFID Reloading


Priority Registration

We are implementing priority registration for those who sign up using Eventbrite.  If you are part of the priority list, your forms will be prioritized in the queue during your chosen timeslot.

Be sure to go to the District 2 covered courts in your reserved priority time with the complete requirements. Your priority reservation is good only for 30 minutes.

Eventbrite - FREE RFID Tags - AAV

Priority Registration

Is my priority registration/ticket transferable?

Yes, as long as only one person will use this priority registration and can present the ticket.

Can I update my registration information?

Yes, you can update it using your Eventbrite details.

Do I have to bring my printed ticket to the event?

Yes, please bring your printed ticket so that we can put you in the priority queue.

The name on the registration/ticket doesn’t match the attendee. Is that okay?

Yes, as long as only one person will use the ticket.

I didn’t get priority registration.  Can I still show up in the event?

Yes, you can still register your car.  However, priority in terms of signing up and allocation of FREE RFID stickers will be given to those who pre-registered.  Please bring the filled out forms and the required documents.  The list of requirements can be found above.

I registered for priority registration but was late for more than 30 minutes.  What will I do?

We will only give priority queuing to priority registrants within 30 minutes of their chosen time slot.  If you are late, you will queue normally.  If you followed the pre-registration instructions sent Jul 12, the processing time for your request will still be faster than those who didn’t pre-register.



For E-pass users:

You can choose to surrender your E-pass unit and have the balance transferred to your new RFID account. The Skyway team will be there to receive the units and will process it within 7 days.

The RFID stickers will be free of charge but an initial load of P500 must be loaded per car.


What is JCI Alabang?

JCI Alabang is a group of young professionals and businessmen mostly based in Alabang.  We are part of the larger group, Junior Chamber International (JCI).  Our vision is to be leading network of young active citizens. To provide development opportunities that empower young people to create positive change.  To learn more about our advocacy and projects, visit jcialabang.com.

If you are aged 18-40 and want to be part of projects like this, please contact us as jcialabang2014@gmail.com.


Share the love, like our Facebook Page.


Where can I contact the organizer with any questions?

For more questions about the RFID, you can visit the www.skywayslexrfid.com or call (02) 8632-3886.

For this particular project, you can contact JCI Alabang Treasurer Janette Lim.


Update Jul 19, 2015 – Post event article and photos written here.  The RFID Registration article is modified to be an FAQ for the RFID System.

Update Jul 18, 2015 – Registration day today. Bring all the requirements for a speedy registration.Update Jul 17, 2015 – We have a dry run for the registration today. Drop by District 2 Basketball courts to avail of early registration.

UPDATE: Jul 16, 2015 – Priority registration sign-ups is closed. See you on Saturday!

UPDATE: Jul 13, 2015 – We updated the FAQs to address the usual questions.

UPDATE: Jul 12, 2015 – We emailed all the people who registered for the priority list.  Kindly check your email to follow the instructions for pre-registration.

UPDATE: Jul 10, 2015 – Thank you to everyone who signed up for the priority list for the RFID Sticker Registration.  All the initial slots for priority registration are taken.  We will coordinate with the Skyway SLEX RFID team to manage the logistics for the said event.  If time permits, we might open another set of priority registration.  Stay tuned to jcialabang.com or our Eventbrite page for details.