Kasambahay Kasambuhay Pilipinas 2019
Kasambahay Kasambuhay 2019
We believe that our Filipino Kasambahays are the modern heroes of our time. They take the responsibility of simple household work so that we may take care of our bigger tasks. They make our lives easier so that we can spend our time to be better.
We believe in advocating their efforts in espousing Filipino values through their work – dedication to service, loyalty, trustworthiness – among others. This is what the Kasambahay Kasambuhay Pilipinas Awards is all about, a recognition and awards program dedicated to honoring the Filipino household service workers or “Kasambahays.”
The Award Search will choose ten (10) Kasambahay awardees this year to receive an award of Php 75,000.00 cash, a trophy, and a plaque of recognition for their present employers.
For Barangay Ayala Alabang, you may get the nomination forms and sample employment certificate from Ms Jeng from the Barangay Ayala Alabang office. JCI Alabang will collect application forms until September 10, 2019 (Tuesday).
This program is brought to you by the Junior Chamber International Senate Philippines, Inc., together with Palawan Pawnshop – Palawan Express Pera Padala.
For more information, please visit: https://www.facebook.com/JCIkasambahay/.
You may also download the forms below:
Kasambahay Kasambuhay Awards Form 2019 Page 1
Kasambahay Kasambuhay Awards Form 2019 Page 2