Disaster Preparedness: Protecting Your Family and Assets
The Junior Chamber International (JCI) Alabang hosted Disaster Preparedness: How to Protect Your Family and Assets last Jun 18, 2015 at the Narra Room of the Alabang Country Club. The group invited international disaster management expert Wayne Ulrich from Save the Children and AAVA Gov Ricky Tamparong.
Wayne Ulrich is currently the Senior Advisor to Save the Children for Risk Reduction and Resilience. He has extensive background in disaster operations, strategic planning and design, sustainable development, conflict and crisis management and rapid response to complex disasters. For the short sessions, he discussed why the Philippines is prone to natural hazards—the location in the Ring of Fire, proximity to the Pacific Ocean, and effects of climate change. He also discussed the differences between risks, hazards, and disasters. Wayne said, “it is important to have plans in place in case of disasters. Have a “Go Bag,” a bag you can easily grab should there be a need for evacuation. Everyone must ensure that the disaster plans/drills are disseminated and understood by all the participants. The response should be automatic.”
Gov Ricky Tamparong is the Governor of District 5 and Disaster Risk Reduction Management (DRRM) Coordinator. He discussed the household-street-village plan of the village group (the ABCS: AAVA, Barangay, Church (St James the Great), and Schools (DLSZ, Woodrose, etc). The villagers can expect the identified main loops to be cleared within 7 hours of any typhoon to facilitate the movement of emergency vehicles and 7 days to restore power and water. Gov Ricky shared, “during Glenda last year, a lot of residents were asking how they can help. Owning a bolo will go a long way in helping clear the streets of fallen trees.” With Gov Ricky were Mr Romy Javier, Head of Security, and Mr Nelson Lim, Security Coordinator.
The disaster preparedness seminar was part of JCI Alabang’s June General Membership Meeting. Also during the night, JCI Alabang Secretary General KC Ang discussed the activities of the chapter for the past few months. President Aimee Flordeliza shared, “we organized this disaster preparedness session for our members in line with our thrust in community development. It is only when we are sure that we ourselves and our families are protected that we can fully contribute to our community.”
JCI Alabang organizes business and professional forums and training for our members. They also do community development projects in support of the UN’s Millennium Development Goals. You may see their projects and accomplishments in www.jcialabang.com.
JCI Alabang is part of the international group, Junior Chamber International, an organization celebrating its 100th year founding anniversary this year. Together with the 7,000 members in the Philippines and 200,000 more from 100+ different countries, we aim to be the leading global network of young active citizens. They do this by developing our members to be the leaders of tomorrow. If you want to be a young active citizen wanting to change the world or want to support JCI Alabang activities, you can contact the Director for Recruitment Miguel Carandang (0949-365-6985).
Save the Children is the world’s leading independent organization for children. They work in 120 countries. They save children’s lives; fight for their rights; and help them fulfill their potential.
Thank you to everyone who participated and attended the session.
Disaster Preparedness: Protecting Your Family and AssetsJune 17, 2015 – Narra Room, Alabang Country ClubJCI Alabang June General Membership Meeting
Posted by JCI Alabang on Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Past JCI Alabang Activities presented by Secretary General KC Ang
Upcoming JCI Alabang Activities presented by President Aimee Flordeliza